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Sumter SC Auto, Home & Business Insurance


The home to Shaw Air Force Base

According to, The city and county of Sumter have a colorful history stretching back more than 300 years. In the 1740s, the first English-speaking settlers arrived to establish roots along the banks of the Wateree River. The “Carolina Backcountry,” as it was then known, became a predominantly agricultural area called Craven County, later Claremont County. Present-day Sumter County (then known as Sumter District) was established on January 1, 1800. When the state capital was moved from Charleston in 1789, Stateburg, located on US 76/378, missed being elected the new capital by one vote.

The City of Sumter is the seat of Sumter County and the largest city, and the eighth-largest metropolitan area in the state of South Carolina. Incorporated as Sumterville in 1845, the city has grown and prospered from its early beginnings as a plantation settlement.

Things to do in Sumter, SC

1. Attend a Festival
2. Visit a State Park
3. Outdoor Markets
4. Take the Museum Crawl Tour (or go on your own)
5. For the Sports Enthusiasts
6. Grab some grub
7. Explore the Water
8. Hunt for and Hide Painted Rocks in one of our 24 Community Parks
9. Take in the Arts
10. Shopping
more information here.

Do you live in Sumter, SC?

Here is where you need us!

O’Neal & Associates Insurance is delighted to serve the residents of Sumter, SC.

Learn more about home insurance options that help protect you and your family, request a quote for homeowners insurance or Contact O’Neal & Associates Insurance at 478-788-1104 or request an online quote right now!

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